Call me at 949-698-8345

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As a passionate realtor and lifestyle enthusiast, I've made it my mission to redefine your real estate experience. But what sets me apart? It's simple: I'm not just here for transactions; I'm here to transform homes into havens and dreams into reality.

With years of experience in the real estate market, I understand that a home isn't just four walls and a roof. It's where your story unfolds, where memories are made, and where your unique lifestyle finds its perfect backdrop. I'm not here to sell you a house; I'm here to help you curate your ideal lifestyle.

into the world of real estate and design was born out of a love for creating intentional, beautiful spaces that feel like home. I'm a mom, a design enthusiast, and a firm believer that your surroundings should reflect your unique style and inspire your daily life. As a mom to two growing boys, I understand how your home and lifestyle needs to evolve with you and I am passionate about helping others navigate it as well.

as we explore the world of real estate, design trends, and the vibrant lifestyle of Orange County, CA. Together, we'll unlock the potential of your home, one thoughtful detail at a time. So, whether you're a first-time homebuyer, a growing family in search of more space, or simply seeking inspiration to transform your living environment, I'm here to help you every step of the way. Let's embark on this exciting journey together and curate the perfect home and lifestyle that truly speaks to you.

It's not just about finding the perfect property; it's about finding the perfect lifestyle. I take the time to get to know you, your aspirations, and your vision for your home. Whether you're looking to buy, sell, or simply elevate your living space, I'm your trusted partner every step of the way.

your dedicated guide to all things real estate, design, and lifestyle.


I'm Autumn,

About the Ceniza Group

My approach is different

My journey

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